
"If there are to be problems, may they come during my life-time so that I can resolve them and give my children the chance of a good life."

Kenyan proverb
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buckminster Fuller, philosopher, futurist and global thinker (1895 - 1983)
"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives"

Abba Eban
Under the patronage:


Smart Islands and Regions Labs - academic partnership conference

Sep. 30 - Oct. 2, 2019 - Mljet Island, Croatia

What is the conference about?
The international conference is aiming to bring together scientific and innovation communities, projects and international networks to present scientific research results, to discuss common interest and new opportunities to work together to build new projects and partnerships for Smart Islands and Regions Labs.

Main focuss areas
Smart Islands and Regions Labs for Socio-Technological innovation with the participation of academia, local communities and people aiming to improve life, wellbeing and social cohesion.

Target topics economic growth, green energy, tourism, social development and innovation, environmental protection and national parks, transport, immigration, public health, prevention of radicalization, smart buildings and others complex topics requiring input from scientific community.

Conference fee: 305 EUR (VAT included)


Call for papers


Eco-NautiNET Clustering event

Eco-NautiNET Clustering event will take place on Saturday, October 5th 2019, at 18:15 h in Room A, and all conference participants interested in blue energy, nautical and maritime sector are cordially invited to join this event. No additional fee is required and registrations will be available through the Comet system.

This side event organized at the SDEWES2019 conference is dedicated to a project which aims to foster cooperation networks among enterprises, business support organizations (BSOs) and research institutions in the nautical sector. Eco-NautiNET project’s mission is the creation of new opportunities through international networking across the ADRION region. Project’s focus is to facilitate the adoption of Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Innovations in the nautical sector using a web-based networking tool. The network currently consists of over 80 SMEs, Universities and Business Support Organisations, and is rapidly growing. All this and more will be presented at the event, and after the presentations, a complementary networking dinner is organized for all registered participant of the event.

Apart from the participants of the conference and researchers, local entrepreneurs will also participate in the clustering event, with a special guest from iCAT – company that develops silent, “green” catamarans powered by solar energy. Mr. Tomislav Uroda will present his team’s innovative approach and products for clean marine transport.

Some of the benefits that participation in ECO-NautiNET network offers to researchers and research institutions are:

  • Finding enterprises interested in commercial use or distribution of your innovations and concepts
  • Finding partners interested to cooperate in further development of your innovations that are not ready for market (4 < TRL < 9)
  • Gain more information on currently available funding frameworks that are suitable for further development of your innovation
  • Gain more information on IPR protection of innovations
  • Gain more visibility among the potential partners from industry and entrepreneurship
  • Creating new opportunities through international networking across the ADRION region and wider

ECO-NautiNET project is financially supported by ERDF within the Interreg ADRION framework, and it’s main objective is the realization of a common and innovative ADRION’s Network dedicated to SMEs, Research Institutions and Business Support Organizations with the aim of improving SME’s competitiveness and innovation in the Nautical sector and supporting their internationalization.

For further information please visit the project pages ( or visit the ECO-NautiNET platform ( If you have any questions about the project or want to include your institution in the Eco-nautiNET cluser, please contact Mr. Antun Pfeifer (

Join us at the event, meet innovators and entrepreneurs, enjoy the exchange of ideas, networking and possible collaboration opportunities through innovative concepts!


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.